Mr. Hay to Señor Azpíroz.
Washington, October 31, 1900.
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 8th instant, in which, after referring to the fact that the [Page 787] term fixed between the United States and Mexico on December 24 last for the extension of the water boundary convention of March 1, 1889,. will expire on the 23d of the coming December, you propose, on behalf of your Government, that a new convention be concluded between the two countries to supersede that of March 1, 1889, and which shall be of a permanent character, or at least shall stipulate a longer term than one year for its duration.
This Government understands that that of Mexico is not ready to give its decision in the matter of the proposed treaty for the elimination of the bancos; that the question of the equitable distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande is still before the International Boundary Commission, and that the important case known as the “Chamizal case” remains undecided. Even if no new cases arise, it would seem that there will be a necessity for a commission between the two countries for some years to come.
This Government is, therefore, willing to enter into a convention continuing the said convention of March 1, 1889, and the commission established thereunder indefinitely, subject to the right of either contracting party to dissolve the commission by giving six months’ notice to the other.
I inclose a draft of such convention.1 If it shall meet with the approval of your Government, I shall be pleased to have it prepared for signature upon the receipt from you of the Spanish text.
Accept, etc.,