Mr. Lord to Mr. Hay.
Buenos, Ayres, July 25, 1900.
Sir: Deeming it of sufficient importance, I have the pleasure to inform you that the attention bestowed on the officers and cadets of the Sarmiento and the reception given them during their visit to the United States is highly gratifying to the Argentine officials and the subject of much eulogistic comment. Commodore Martin Rivadavia, minister of marine, took occasion to express to me his personal gratification at the attention and kindness accorded to them and to assure me that his Government highly appreciated the distinguished compliment expressed by mine in their generous reception.
I believe that the favorable effect produced by this event, although of little consequence itself, will tend to allay any irritation which may linger in the public mind as a result of race feeling or prejudice growing out of the late war with Spain and serve to further manifest our good will and good wishes for the welfare of the Argentine Republic and our constant desire to strengthen and maintain friendly and peaceful relations with its Government.
I have, etc.,