Mr. Hay to Mr. Wilde.

No. 4.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose for your information copies of letters addressed by the Secretary of the Navy to officers of his Department directing that every courtesy shall be shown to the officers and cadets of the Argentine school ship Presidente Sarmiento.

Accept, etc.,

John Hay.
[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. Long to commandant Navy-Yard, Norfolk, Va.

Sir: The Argentine school ship, at present cruising in North American waters, will probably visit Hampton Roads in the near future.

The Department desires you to extend every courtesy that may be practicable to this vessel. And in the event that it is desired for her officers and cadets to visit the [Page 11] works of the Newport News Ship Building and Dry Dock Company and the navy-yard, the Department wishes you to arrange for such visits, and facilitate them so far as may be in your power.

Very respectfully,

John D. Long.
[Inclosure 2.]

Mr. Long to commander in chief U. S. naval force on North Atlantic Station.

Sir: The Argentine school ship, at present cruising in American waters, may in the near future fall in with the vessels of the squadron under your command. In the event of such a meeting the Department desires that every courtesy which may be practicable be shown to this vessel.

Very respectfully,

John D. Long.
[Inclosure 3.]

Mr. Long to Superintendent Naval Academy.

Sir: The Argentine school ship, at present cruising in these waters, will shortly visit the station under your command. The Department desires you to extend to this ship every courtesy which may be in your power, giving every practicable facility for the inspection of the institution under your command.

Very respectfully,

John D. Long.