Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay.

No. 304.]

Sir: Referring to your instruction No. 313 of the 21st of February last in relation to Messrs. Arkell & Douglas’s shipments to South Africa by the Maria, Mashona, and Beatrice, I have the honor to inclose herewith copies of Mr. White’s note to Lord Salisbury, of the 19th ultimo, and of the reply of the foreign office thereto, of the 13th instant.

I have, etc.,

Joseph H. Choate.
[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. White to the Marquis of Salisbury.

My Lord: With reference to the detention of American merchandise by the British authorities in South Africa, I have the honor, under instructions from my Government, to inclose for your lordship’s information copies of bills of lading representing shipments made by Messrs. Arkell & Douglas, a firm of New York merchants, by the steamships Maria, Beatrice, and Mashona, destined for Delagoa Bay.

It will be observed from the bills of lading above mentioned that the shipments made by Messrs. Arkell & Douglas, embrace all classes of general cargo, such as kerosene oil, brooms, stoves, building materials, white meal, shovels, turpentine, lard oil, plows, shellers, flour, etc.

I have, etc.,

Henry White.
[Inclosure 2.]

Mr. Bertie to Mr. Choate.

Your Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. White’s note of the 19th ultimo, respecting Messrs. Arkell & Douglas’s shipments to South Africa by the Maria, Mashona, and the Beatrice.

A copy of this note and of its inclosures will be forwarded to the high commissioner for South Africa.

The observations which I had the honor to make in my note of the 9th instant in regard to Messrs. Peabody & Company’s shipments apply also to the information now supplied in regard to Messrs. Arkell & Douglas.

I have, etc.,

Francis Bertie.