Mr. Choate to Mr. Hay.

No. 302.]

Sir: With reference to your instruction 314, of the 21st February last, respecting Messrs. Peabody & Co.’s shipments on the Mashona and Maria, I have the honor to inclose herewith copies of a note from Mr. White to Lord Salisbury in relation thereto, and of the reply from the foreign office, which I have just received.

I have, etc.,

Joseph H. Choate.
[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. White to the Marquis of Salisbury.

My Lord: With reference to Mr. Choate’s note to your Lordship of the 4th of January last, and to subsequent correspondence, in relation to the steamship Mashona, which was seized by the British authorities in South Africa, I have the honor to inclose a copy of a letter from Messrs. H. W. Peabody & Co., dated the 13th ultimo, together with copies of bills of lading and invoices properly signed and attested, to which the same refers, covering the entire list of the shipments of Messrs. Henry W. Peabody & Co., American merchants, by the Mashona, with a view to the protection of their interests in the event of their making a loss as the result of the seizure of that vessel.

I also have the honor to inclose a copy of a further communication from Messrs. H. W. Peabody & Co. to the Secretary of State of the United States, dated the 26th of January last, relative to copies of invoices and bills of lading covering merchandise shipped by them on the steamship Maria and Mashona. A copy of an affidavit of Mr. Charles D. Barry, a member of that firm, attesting the genuineness of the shipments is also inclosed herewith, together with the copies of invoices and bills of lading already referred to.

I have, etc.,

Henry White.
[Inclosure 2.]

Lord Salisbury to Mr. White.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 17th ultimo, respecting Messrs. Peabody & Co.’s shipments by the Mashona and the Maria. A copy of this note and its inclosures will be forwarded to the high commissioner for South Africa.

[Page 612]

The information now given is still not sufficiently ample to allow of the determination of the question who ought to be paid for such goods as are covered by the undertaking of Her Majesty’s Government to buy the flour and any other articles of use to the military authorities.

I have, etc.,
