Mr. Cridler to Mr. Hollis.
Department of State,
Washington, December 27, 1899.
No. 49.]Washington, December 27, 1899.
Sir: I inclose a copy of a letter1 from Mr. R. W. Geldart, complaining that the steamship Beatrice, upon which he had a consignment of beer and lard for a firm at Lourenco Marquez, discharged all of its Delagoa Bay cargo into lighters at East London, under orders of the British Government. You will please investigate the matter and report thereon to the Department. You should use all proper efforts to protect the rights of the shippers.
I am, etc.,
Thos. W. Cridler,
Third Assistant Secretary.
Third Assistant Secretary.
- (Inclosure:) From R. W. Geldart, December 15, 1899, printed ante.↩