Señor Gana to Mr. Sherman.


Sir: On Wednesday, the 12th instant, I placed in Mr. Rockhill’s hands a memorandum in which was stated the result of the conferences which I had the honor to have with the Hon. Richard Olney, when he was at the head of the Department of State, relative to the claims of Patrick Shields and Andrew McKinstry.

As appears from the aforesaid memorandum, the Hon. Richard Olney agreed with me that McKinstry’s claim should be rejected as having no foundation. As to that of Patrick Shields, we agreed to settle it by a pecuniary compensation in the form which appears in the draft of a protocol that accompanies the aforesaid memorandum.

As I have been informed, your excellency concurs in these views, and I therefore take the liberty to inform you that I shall be pleased to sign the protocol in question as soon as your excellency may see fit to appoint a day and hour for the purpose.

I avail myself, etc.,

Domingo Gana.