Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hay.

No. 293.]

Sir: Regarding legislation modifying article 45 of the Brazilian law No. 641 of November 14, 1899, and referring to my No. 290 of November 30, I have the honor to report that, although the Senate has amended the said article by limiting its requirements to a designation of the country of origin stamped on the label, the committee of the House of Representatives has insisted that, in addition, the name of the manufacturer be printed on the label. I therefore to-day protested to three deputies belonging to different State delegations, requesting support of the Senate proposal and obtaining their promise to protect our interests. I send herewith a copy of my letter to Dr. Elias Fausto, one of these influential representatives.

I have, etc.,

Charles Page Bryan.

Mr. Bryan to Dr. Jordão.

Dear Doctor Elias Fausto: You will notice on page 2744 of to-day’s Diario do Congresso that the amendment to article 22 of bill No. 70 by the Senate is disapproved by the committee of the camara. As I said to you and to several other friends to-day, the change proposed by the Senate to the law of November 14, 1899, to the effect that a designation of the country of origin alone shall be required, will be more acceptable to our exporters than the camara’s proposal to include the manufacturer’s name. The former requirement will, it appears to me, sufficiently protect Brazilian manufacturers.

Thanking you again for your kind attention to our interests, I am, etc.,

Charles Page Bryan.