Mr. Porter to Mr. Hay.
Paris, August 22, 1900.
Sir: On the 19th instant M. Delcassé delivered at Foix, in the south of France, a political speech which has attracted much attention.
* * * He outlined the policy of the Republic in the Far East in the following terms:
“We should not exaggerate, but it would be dangerous to conceal the gravity of the problem which events in China have raised for the powers. To solve it, the primary condition is to discover what their intentions are, to desire solely what can not possibly compromise the entente which is necessary, and to desire this up to the very last. The voice of the conscience of the world indicated to them that the first object to be aimed at was the deliverance of the ministers, who were daily being subjected to outrages which have no precedent in history; and this is, indeed, the main object of the common military action of the powers. At the present moment this object is or is about to be secured. The presence of the international troops will serve, secondly, to obtain compensation for the past and guaranties for the future. Whatever the special views of the several powers on this point, I suppose that they will regulate their demands according to the possibilities of China, and, above all, that they will carefully avoid formulating exclusive demands which would destroy the present unity, arouse distrust, and perhaps engender most unfortunate misunderstandings. This is the policy which has been adopted from the outset by the Government, with the approval of Parliament. To this policy it has remained faithful either when it has been called upon to take energetic action on its own account, which, moreover, was crowned with success, or when it made to the powers proposals which obtained their unanimous adhesion. I need not tell you that it will not abandon this policy in the future. * * *
His views are the same as those expressed in several conversations I had with him.
I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,