Mr. Porter to
Mr. Hay.
Embassy of the United States,
Paris, August 7, 1900.
No. 711.]
Sir: Your cable received on the 2d
transmitting the substance of the suggestion made by Li Hung Chang,
was communicated to the minister of foreign affairs, who
acknowledged receipt of this information by a short note, copy
herewith inclosed.
I have the honor to be, etc.,
Mr. Delcassé to Mr. Vignaud.
Mr. Charge d’affaires: You have been
kind enough to communicate to me, under date of yesterday, the
contents of a telegram which you have received from the Federal
secretary of state for foreign affairs, which treats of an
exchange of communications
[Page 316]
between your Government and the viceroy of
the two Kuang, relative to the situation of the foreign
representatives at Pekin.
In thanking you for having transmitted to me this document, I am
pleased to testify to the commonality of views existing between
the Government of the United States and that of the French
Accept, Mr. Chargé d’Affaires, the assurance of my highest