Mr. Townsend to Mr. Sherman.
Lisbon, February 17, 1898.
Sir: I have the honor to inform the Department that I received last evening through a news agency a telegram containing the painful news of the explosion on board the Maine, and that I immediately sent a copy of the same to Commodore Howell, commanding the European Squadron, on board the San Francisco, now at this port.
The Lisbon newspapers of this morning contained telegrams from Washington and Habana confirming the awful catastrophe, and a few hours later I received a visit from the minister for foreign affairs, who came direct from His Majesty to offer the condolence and sympathy of His Majesty and the Government of Portugal on this sad event. This afternoon, by appointment, I took the officers of the San Francisco and Bancroft to present them to His Majesty. The latter spoke most freely on the subject, reminding us that a similar accident occurred in China many years ago to a Portuguese frigate, and that an American man-of-war, which was near, rendered great assistance.
His Majesty charged me to convey to the President, the Government, and the people of the United States his deep and heartfelt sympathy.
I have, etc.,