Mr. Dudley to Mr. Sherman.

No. 102.]

Sir: Refering to your instructions No. 71, of February 26, 1898, I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of a note received from the Peruvian minister for foreign relations, together with a translation in reply to one from this legation, a copy of which accompanied my No. 99, of March 21, 1898.

I have, etc.,

Irving B. Dudley.
[Page 1075]
[Inclosure in No. 102—Translation.]

Dr. de la Riva-Aguero to Mr. Dudley.

No. 19.]

Mr. Minister: I have had the honor to receive your excellency’s esteemed note of the 21st instant, in which, in accordance with instructions received by you from your Government, you thank that of Peru for the expressions of condolence transmitted by our legation at Washington to the Department of State on account of the sensible loss of the American cruiser Maine.

The traditional and sincere friendship that exists between our respective people made particularly painful to Peru a catastrophe whose horrible echoes have made the world tremble, awakening the most heartfelt sympathies for the brave sailors who perished on board the said ship, and on addressing the honorable Mr. Sherman on the subject, Mr. Eguiguren did not do so in order to comply with a simple duty of courtesy, but truthfully interpreted the sentiments of my Government and of the whole nation, as heartily participating in the grief that afflicts the American people.

Upon this occasion, etc.,

E. de la Riva-Aguero.