- Russian occupation of Port Arthur and Talien Wan (Documents 108–117)
- German occupation of Kiaochou (Document 118)
- British occupation of Chinese ports (Documents 119–120)
- French occupation of Kwangchau Bay (Document 121)
- Riot at Chiang Pei Ting (Documents 122–131)
- Citizenship of Chinese born in the United States (Documents 132–133)
- Conference of missionaries at Chung King (Document 134)
- Protection of missionaries in China (Documents 135–138)
- Residence of missionaries in Hunan (Documents 139–144)
- State affairs in China (Documents 145–150)
- Wives of foreign ministers at Peking received by the Empress
Dowager (Document 151)
- Marine guard at the legation at Peking (Documents 152–175)