Mr. Dudley to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Lima, Peru, March 21,
No. 99.]
Sir: Pursuant to the instructions contained in
your No. 71, of February 26, I have undertaken to make appropriate
acknowledgment to the Government of Peru of its message of condolence
upon the sad occasion of the loss of the Maine
and the lives of so many of her ill-fated crew, and I have the honor to
inclose herewith a copy of a note which I addressed to the Peruvian
foreign office for that purpose.
I wish to add that the expressions of sympathy and regret which have come
to this legation in consequence of the Maine
disaster have been numerous both from the other legations of this
capital and from private persons. The Spanish legation was notably
prompt and earnest in expressing its condolence.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 99.]
Mr. Dudley to Dr.
de la Riva-Aguero.
Legation of the United States,
Lima, Peru, March 21, 1898.
No. 26.]
Mr. Minister: Through the Peruvian legation
at Washington the Government of the United States is recipient from
the Government of Peru of a message of condolence upon the loss of
the battle ship Maine; and, in recognition
thereof, it is my desire, both in obedience to official instructions
and my own impulse, to make grateful acknowledgment.
At a time of profound sorrow, when my nation was mourning a great and
mysterious loss, when the sudden and unforeseen calamity which
blotted out of existence one of her battle ships and the lives of
more than 250 brave American sailors was shedding an all-pervading
gloom; and while perhaps the long funeral procession of the Maine’s dead was yet wending its solemnly
impressive course through the narrow streets of the Cuban capital
the oppressed spirit of our President and his counselors was
lightened, and the gratitude of our people aroused by spontaneous
expressions of fraternal sympathy such as were extended by the
enlightened, humane, and justice-loving Republic of Peru. Therefore
am I called upon to make known to your excellency’s Government the
appreciation felt by my own of its delicate and kindly courtesy.
Accept, etc.,