Mr. Sherman to Mr. Denby.

No. 1560.]

Sir: I inclose herewith* for the files of your legation copy of a note from the Russian chargé d’affaires ad interim, at this capital, informing this Government that in virtue of a convention signed at Peking on the 27th instant by the representative of Russia and the members of the Tsung-li Yamên, duly authorized for the purpose, Port Arthur and Talien-wan, together with the adjacent territories, have been ceded to Russia in usufruct by the Chinese Government; that the above-named ports and territories will be immediately occupied by the troops of His Majesty the Emperor of Russia; that the port of Talien-wan will be open to foreign commerce, and that vessels of all friendly nations will be received there with the utmost hospitality.

Respectfully, yours,

John Sherman.
  1. Not printed.