Mr. Denby to Mr. Sherman.

No. 2913.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose a translation of a proclamation issued by Russian admiral relating to the Liao Tung Peninsula.

By this proclamation the northern limit of Russian territory is about 30 miles north of Kinchow, and the eastern limit is Pietze-woa.

I have, etc.,

Charles Denby.
[Inclosure in No. 2913.]

Proclamation issued by the admiral commanding the Russian naval squadron on the Pacific and the Russian naval and military forces of the Liao-Tung Peninsula.

Whereas a telegram has been received from the Czar of Russia to the effect that it is the earnest desire of the Emperor of China to maintain relations of friendship between the two countries, and that every effort should be made to assist each other; it has therefore been agreed that Port Arthur, Talien-wan, and places in the vicinity thereof, are to be leased to the Russian Government for the period of twenty-five years. The area of territory so leased extends from Port Arthur north to Putao-tien and Pitzu-woa. It is important that measures should be adopted to preserve order and maintain peace within the limits of the above-named places.

Acting under instructions I assume charge of the above-named places on the 28th of March. The Chinese troops have been withdrawn and orders have been given by me that the forces under my command are to exercise due vigilence and care to afford protection to the Chinese, to the end that they may carry on their daily pursuits without fear. Important questions that may arise must be presented to me for my consideration and action to be taken thereon. Merchants and traders will be allowed to pursue their respective callings as heretofore. Criminals or disorderly characters (Russian or Chinese) will be dealt with according to the laws of their respective countries. This proclamation is issued for general information. Let every one respect and obey it.