Mr. Denby to Mr. Sherman.
Peking, China, March 29, 1898.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the convention between Russia and China relating to the cession of Port Arthur and Talien-wan was signed the 27th instant.
As far as I can ascertain, the terms of the agreement are that these places are leased to Russia for twenty-five years. The area of territory leased extends 160 li (53 English miles) from north to south and 70 li (23 English miles) from east to west.
Chinese vessels of war and merchant vessels can enter and leave Port Arthur at their pleasure.
The port of Talien-wan is to be under Russian jurisdiction. I am unable to say how trade will be affected. The Chinese force stationed at Port Arthur, now under the command of General Sung, is to be moved to Newch wang.
There was a grand demonstration by the Russians yesterday at Port Arthur, and salutes were fired in honor of the Czar.
The Russian military attaché, Colonel Wogack, will be governor of the ceded territory.
I will endeavor to secure official copy of the convention. It must be said, however, that some delay will occur.
I have, etc.,