No. 349.
Mr. Foster to Mr. Evarts.

No. 930.]

Sir: In my No. 907, of the 15th ultimo, I transmitted the correspondence had with the Mexican foreign office, growing out of the communication to the latter of the contents of your dispatch No. 589, of February 20, regarding the hostile attitude of the Mexican Indians on the Rio Grande frontier.

Since I transmitted my former dispatch I have received from the minister of foreign affairs a note inclosing a communication from the War Department stating that troops had moved in pursuit of the Lipan Indians, and that the greatest vigilance has been recommended to the authorities on the frontier.

My information, received from the consul at Monterey and the Mexican press, in regard to the so-much-talked-of removal of the Indians from the Rio Grande frontier by the Mexican Government, is to this effect: The greater part, if not all, of the peaceful Indians, or those having fixed abodes, as the Kickapoos, have been removed as far towards the interior as Monterey, and some of them have been brought to this city. The campaign against the Lipan and other marauding and warlike tribes has been comparatively unsuccessful. A few warriors were taken by stratagem, but the only persons captured in open campaign were some women and children who have been brought into the interior of Mexico. The effect of the campaign has been to exasperate the Lipans on account of the loss of a portion of their families, with the result indicated in your dispatch No. 589. The consul at Monterey reports this tribe as recently committing depredations on the Mexican settlements, and the organization of movements on the part of the latter to resist and punish them.

I am inclined to believe that the reported crossing of warlike Indians from the United States, on the 11th of March, in the vicinity of Fort Clark, charged in the minister’s note inclosed with my No. 907, is nothing more than the movements within Mexican territory of the exasperated Lipans. This belief is confirmed by the fact that I have received no further information as to this event, or as to the hostile movements of Apaches or raiders in Arizona, of which the minister complained, and about which, at my request, he promised to send me detailed data. As a month has passed since the complaint was made and the promise given that I should have the facts, it is reasonable to presume that they do not exist in the executive departments of the Mexican Government.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 930.—Translation.]

Mr. Ruelas to Mr. Foster.

Mr. Minister: With reference to my note dated the 12th of this month, I have the honor to remit to your excellency a copy of a communication from the department of war, in which I am informed that the forces at Mier and Laredo have moved in pursuit of the Lipans that were threatening the State of Texas. I improve this opportunity to renew to your excellency the assurances of my distinguished consideration.

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mexican republic, department of war and marine staff section 2, table 1, 1131.

I have received with your note of the 12th instant a copy of that sent by the minister of the United States of America, asking that the proper measures may be dictated to prevent any hostile demonstration or incursion into the territory of Texas, on the part of the Lipan Indians, who have risen against the authorities. I have to inform you that the forces in Mier and Laredo have moved in pursuit of the Indians in question, and that the greatest vigilance has again been recommended.

Liberty and constitution.

Mexico, March 22, 1879.

On account of the occupation of the minister.