No. 348.
Mr. Foster to Mr. Evarts.

No. 924.]

Sir: I am in receipt of your dispatch No. 601, of the 11th ultimo, in closing a letter addressed by Mr. Arthur C. Jackson, of Illinois, to the Hon. Joseph G. Cannon, M. C., in relation to the practicability of making a living by teaching English in this city, or in any other way.

In compliance with your instructions, I have to reply that the demand for teachers of the English language is not very great, as the Mexicans generally give the preference to the study of French; that the number of teachers of English now in the city appears to be greater than the demand, as few of them are doing more than making a bare living, and some are altogether without employment, and that persons coming to the country without some knowledge of the Spanish language would labor under considerable embarrassment, both in giving instruction in English to Mexican pupils and, on account of the competition, in obtaining pupils. There are a few American and English ladies who have good positions as governesses in private families, but, as a general rule, these positions were secured through friends before they left their homes, and there are, also, a few teachers who have engagements in the public and private schools and colleges, but the pay is not large, and they are generally persons who have been some years in the country and are familiar with the Spanish language.

My advice to all persons making inquiry about the possibility of obtaining employment of whatever kind in Mexico is, that if they come to this country without a positive and responsible engagement they should bring with them enough money to maintain them for six months, or for such time as will enable them to test the possibility of obtaining remunerative employment, and enough additional to pay their expenses back to the United States in case of failure.

The American Benevolent Society of this city is appealed to every week by intelligent and worthy Americans for aid to return home, because they are without means and can obtain no employment here. What this country most needs from abroad is money capital. Its industries are greatly depressed, and labor, both manual and intellectual, is very cheap, and the supply much larger than the demand.

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Trusting the foregoing will throw some light upon the inquiries contained in the inclosure to your dispatch,

I am, &c.,