No. 350.
Mr. Foster
to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States,
Mexico, April 12, 1879.
(Received April 29.)
No. 931.]
Sir: In my No. 773, of September 3, 1878, I
reported the progress had in the adjustment of the question of the firing
upon the consul’s flag by Mexican troops in the port of Acapulco, in May,
1877. At that time the trial of the officer in command of the fort had been
ordered for a failure to investigate the outrage at the time of its
I now have to report that, in a note of which a copy is herewith inclosed,
the minister of foreign affairs informs me that the said officer has been
tried by a military court in this city, and has been condemned to the loss
of his commission in the army.
* * * * * * *
I am, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Ruelas to Mr.
Department of Foreign Affairs,
Mexico, February 26,
Mr. Minister: The note of your excellency,
dated August 31 of last year, was opportunely received by this
department. Being informed of its contents, and upon sending you the
inclosed copy of a communication in which the department of war reports
the sentence pronounced upon Col. Vicente Sanchez on account of the
occurrences which took place in Acapulco the 28th of May, 1876 (1877), I
have the honor to reproduce the expressions with which my predecessor,
Mr. Mata, concludes the note sent to your excellency the 5th of last
August, and embrace the occasion to renew to your excellency the
assurances of my very distinguished consideration.
republic of mexico, department of war and
marine.—section 1, no. 43.
Mexico, February 24,
The military commander of the federal district, in a communication dated
the 18th of January last, says to me the folio wing:
“The court of general officers held the 16th instant condemned Col.
Vicente Sanchez to the loss of the commission which he holds in the
army, for not having ordered the institution of the necessary
investigation in order to ascertain whether or not, on the 28th of May,
1876 (1877), the boat in which were the consuls of the United States,
Colombia, and Guatemala, was fired upon from the fort of Acapulco; which
I have the honor to participate to you for your superior
Which I have the honor to transcribe to you for your information.
Liberty and constitution.
[Page 803]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 931.]
Mr. Foster to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Mexico, March 29,
Sir: In examining the correspondence, received
from your excellency’s department, I find that I have omitted to make
acknowledgment of your note of the 26th ultimo, conveying to me a copy
of the judgment of the court-martial which sentenced Col. Vicente
Sanchez to the loss of his commission in the army for his failure to
order an investigation regarding the firing upon the American flag in
May, 1877.
In begging your excellency to excuse the omission, I have to add that I
have no doubt my government will be gratified to learn of this act,
which is in consonance with the spirit of Mr. Mata’s note of August 5
last, although its effect would have been more salutary if the trial and
punishment had more speedily followed the outrage, and been given
publicity in the port where it occurred.
I embrace this new occasion to repeat to your excellency the assurances
of my distinguished consideration.