No. 81.
Mr. Seward
to Mr. Evarts.
Peking, February 9, 1878. (Received April 19.)
Sir: On the 19th December last I had the honor to address a letter to you in regard to a representation made by the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce that the harbor at Shanghai, and the approaches to it, are deteriorating, partly in consequence of natural causes and partly of the encroachments made by building wharves, depositing ballast in the stream, &c., and expressing my opinion that the subject deserved careful attention, and can best be dealt with by establishing a system of harbor control, and by securing the appointment of an engineer, to whom shall be committed the larger question of river conservation.
In pursuance of the views then expressed, I draughted a code of rules for the harbor, and submitted them to my colleagues, by whom they were accepted, and who agreed that it would be wiser to ask the inspector-general of customs to place them before the government than to do so ourselves.
On the 31st ultimo the foreign office communicated to the members of the diplomatic body the rules so agreed upon, with a dispatch setting forth the fact that they had been proposed by Mr. Hart, and asking the [Page 104] foreign ministers “to instruct their consuls to observe them.” I inclose a copy of this communication.
Yesterday my colleagues met to consider the answer which should be made to the foreign office, and, somewhat to my surprise, the point was raised that the letter of the foreign office is objectionable, since it evinces a disposition to deal with the matter as if by right of sovereignty, and to ignore the fact that the rules can be made of binding force only by the conjoint action of the government and the several members of the diplomatic corps. It was pointed out in particular that the form of preamble adopted by the diplomatic body was omitted from the rules, and that this was significant, since it contained an indication that the rules must be a joint issue. I say that this was a matter of surprise to me, for while I recognize the fact that the rules can be given full effect to only with the assistance of the foreign authorities, there is, as I think, no reason to believe that the preamble was intentionally omitted; and, on the other hand, the fact remains that the foreign office has communicated the rules to us, and requested us to give them sanction by transmitting them with appropriate instructions to the consuls at Shanghai.
It may be said, moreover, that the government may of right expect the co-operation of the foreign authorities in such matters, and would have just cause of complaint against them in case of their refusal.
After considerable discussion, in which I urged that it was desirable to act with care lest the whole business should fail, the subject was left open for further consideration.
I need not say that I shall be much disappointed if, after so fair a beginning, the measures demanded from Shanghai shall not be accomplished.
I have not lost sight of the larger question, that of the conservation and improvement of the approaches to Shanghai. I had hoped that it might be possible to procure the appointment of an engineer to examine the Woosung Bar, &c., but I find that I cannot commit Mr. Hart to undertake so large an expenditure out of funds at his disposal, and that it is not likely that the foreign office can be prevailed upon to make a special appropriation for the purpose. Under these circumstances, I have been compelled to fall back upon a proposal to submit reports heretofore made upon the bar and river, showing a wide range of opinion, to the best authorities in England and elsewhere for a statement of their views and conclusions.
The proposition was brought by me before my colleagues at our meeting of yesterday, but it did not appear to meet their approval, chiefly, as I judge, because it seemed to them an inadequate step. I could not but remark, however, that no other proposal was advanced. I shall urge it again at our next meeting.
I have, &c.,