No. 52.
Mr. Hilliard to Mr. Evarts.

No. 6.]

Sir: In my last dispatch I stated that a negotiation was pending between the representative of the firm of John Roach & Sons, of New York, and the Brazilian Government for the establishment of a line of steamships between New York and the ports of Brazil. I have the satisfaction now to state that the negotiation has been brought to a successful conclusion.

The contract entered into between the Government of Brazil and Messrs. John Roach & Sons was authorized by an imperial decree on the 10th instant.

The success of this important negotiation is due to the Emperor, who has felt great interest in it, and who gave it the benefit of his influence. There seems to have been much reluctance on the part of the minister of agriculture, whose department was charged with the duty of conducting the negotiation, to close the contract, but the Emperor so earnestly approved it that the minister yielded.

[Page 62]

The contractors, Messrs. John Roach & Sons, undertake to provide a line of steamships of the first class for service between New York and Rio de Janeiro, calling at St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco, and Bahia, making one voyage per month.

The imperial government contracts to pay Messrs. John Roach & Sons $100,000 per annum for the service, which is to continue for ten years. Some important advantages are secured by the contract to the Brazilian Government, among them the regular transportation of the mails, &c., between the two countries.

The leading journals here very warmly commend the contract, and anticipate large results from it. They believe that it will promote the interests of both countries.

The Journal do Commercio refers to my speech to the Emperor in connection with the success of the negotiation, and hopes that the Government of the United States will co-operate with the Imperial Government in this important enterprise. The Gazeta de Noticias refers to the “Hampton Roads great postal convention, where the navigation to Brazil was one of the principal matters of discussion.”

It refers also to the plan of Messrs. John Roach & Sons “to establish a line between New Orleans and St. Thomas, so that we may have direct communications with the States of the South, which makes the matter of greater importance.”

I do not doubt that the line about to be established will be completely successful, and will contribute largely to the increase of trade and travel between the two countries.

I hope that our government will adopt measures for the advancement and extension of this great enterprise, and that we shall soon see a line of steamships making voyages twice each month between the principal ports of the United States and of Brazil.

I trust that I may be allowed to suggest that it would be well for the President to bring the subject to the attention of Congress at an early day.

I am, &c.,