No. 525.
Mr. Farman to Mr. Evarts.

No. 245.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that on Sunday last, the 30th of June, all of the Americans in the military service of the Khedive, [Page 923] except General Stone and one other officer, were discharged. A large number of other persons, both Europeans and natives, engaged in the different branches of the war department were dismissed at the same time, The reason given in the order is the necessity of reducing the expenses of the government.

The Americans will receive immediately their pay in full to date of dismissal, and also six months’ pay as indemnity, and seventy-five pounds each on account of expenses to the United States.

A commission has also been appointed to examine and report as to the condition of two officers who have been disabled in the service, one by wounds received in battle and the other by sickness in Central Africa, with reference to giving them special indemnities. The number of Americans now discharged is nine, and the whole number that have been in the service of the Khedive as officers in his army during a period of nine years has been forty-five.

I have, & c.,