No. 45.
Mr. Wilson
to Mr. Evarts.
Brussels, April 15, 1878. (Received April 29.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that, in consequence of the threatening aspect of the Eastern question and its possible results to Belgium, the minister has asked for a special credit of 10,500,000 francs, to be appropriated to the better defense of the country in the manner described in the inclosed paper.
After an exhaustive examination of the subject, the chamber of representatives, on the 28th of last month, by a large majority, voted this credit, 7,500,000 francs of which are to be raised by an emission of treasury bonds payable in five years from date.
The bill was then sent to the senate, and I have now before me the report of the senate committee unanimously approving of the measure, and prefacing their report with the following language:
In presence of the conflagration with which Europe is menaced, Belgium may at any moment be compelled to resort to arms in order to secure respect for her territory. It is therefore necessary for her to assure herself of the means of defense recognized as necessary to guarantee her neutrality.
The two new forts for which the appropriation of 3,000,000 francs is asked, are intended as the first of a new line of outlying detached forts for the better protection of Antwerp, already regarded as one of the most strongly fortified cities of the continent.
I have, &c.,