No. 426.
Mr. Moran
to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States,
Lisbon, February 1, 1878.
(Received February 21.)
No. 184.]
Sir: On Saturday last the ministry of the Marquez
d’Avila met with a large adverse vote in the Cortes, and on Monday the King
sent for Señor Foutes Pereira de Mello to form a new government.
This change had long been expected, and the return of Señor Foutes to office
surprised no one.
* * * * * * *
Señor Corvo, who for several years held this post under the former leadership
of Señor Foutes, notified me on the 30th instant that he had been recalled
to the place of secretary of state for foreign affairs by the King 5 and
that is the only official notice I have received touching the change of
ministry. I inclose a copy and translation of this communication, which is
merely a formal circular, together with my acknowledgment thereof.
The new cabinet, with the exception of the ministers of justice and marine,
consists of the same gentlemen who constituted the Foutes ministry on its
retirement from office in March, 1877, and is as follows:
President of the council and minister of war, Señor Antonio Maria Foutes
Pereira de Mello.
Minister of foreign affairs, Señor Joao de Andrade Corvo.
Minister of finance, Señor Antonio de Supa de Pimentel.
Minister of the interior, Señor Antonio Rodriguez Sampaio.
Minister of public works, commerce, and industry, Señor Lorenzo Carvalho.
Minister of the marine and the colonies, Señor Thomas Antonio Ribeiro.
Minister of justice and ecclesiastical affairs, Señor Augusto Cesar Barjona
de Freitas.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Señor Corvo to Mr.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
January 30,
His Majesty the King having seen fit to relieve Señor the Marquez d’Avila
e de Bolama from the presidency of the council of ministers and of the
post of minister and secretary of state for foreign affairs ad interim, has been pleased to nominate me by
decree dated yesterday minister and secretary of state for this
department, of which I have the honor to inform your excellency, and to
communicate the fact that the reception of the gentlemen of the
diplomatic body will continue to be on Wednesday of each week from
twelve till two, when not a holiday; in such cases on the day
[Page 743]
At the same time I have the honor to add, if your excellency should have
at any time important business with me, I will receive your excellency
upon any day upon your giving me previous notice.
I avail myself, &c.,
Secretary of
State of Foreign, Affairs.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 184.]
Mr. Moran to Señor
Legation of the United States,
Lisbon, February 1,
Monsieur le Ministre: I had the honor to
receive yesterday the note which your excellency addressed to me on the
30th ultimo, announcing that His Majesty the King, having seen fit to
relieve Señor the Marquez d’Avila e de Bolama from the presidency of the
council of ministers and from the post of minister and secretary of
state for foreign affairs ad interim, had seen
fit to renominate your excellency by decree dated the 29th ultimo,
minister and secretary of state for foreign affairs; and adding that the
reception of the gentlemen of the diplomatic body will continue to be as
heretofore on Wednesday of each week from twelve till two when not a
fete or holiday, but that if I should at any time have any important
business with your excellency you will receive me on any day upon my
giving you previous notice.
I have to thank you for this information, and although I have no
important business to lay before your excellency now, I will avail
myself of an early opportunity to call and pay my respects and renew an
official and personal intercourse which was very agreeable to me.
I seize this occasion, &c.,