No. 393.
Mr. Mathews to Mr. Evarts.
Tangier September 20, 1878. (Received November 9.)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 132, dated July 2, 1878, together with its accompaniments, relative, to the request of the president and vice-president of the board of delegates of American Israelites, New York, requesting that I should be instructed to inquire into the condition of the Jews in this empire, and to consult for the amelioration of their status, and to take, such steps ‘ toward the accomplishment of the end desired, consistent with my international obligations with this government.
I am happy to state that my relations with this Government of Morocco are such that I can exercise my unofficial friendly offices on behalf of the Israelites in this country with good result when required, as it has been the case lately, when a Jewish family was murdered near Laraiche, and another Israelite near Arzila, and, the town itself menaced by the Kabyles, who were preparing to murder and plunder all the Israelites in the place. Having received a letter to this effect from the elders of the Hebrew community of Arzila, I lost no time in communicating the same personally to the Moorish minister of foreign affairs, who at once dispatched a messenger to the governor of Laraiche, who, on receipt of our letters, immediately ordered a Kaid and fifty soldiers to Arzila, there to protect the Jewish population, who were in great consternation.
The murderers of the Jewish family are now in prison, and the, minister for foreign affairs has assured me that their punishment will be such as to deter others from committing similar acts of violence in future.
I beg to inclose herewith copies of the two letters addressed to me by Mr. M. L. Benshiton, chief of the Israelites of Arzila, requesting my intercession on their behalf, and acknowledging the result of the same.
I shall avail myself of all proper opportunities to accomplish, in the manner you have been pleased to indicate, the ends desired by the board of delegates of American Israelites.
I have, &c.,