No. 390.
Mr. Mathews to Mr. Evarts.
of the United States,
Tangier, July 5, 1878.
(Received August 15.)
No. 288.]
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that on
yesterday, being the anniversary of the independence of our country, I
issued to the foreign representatives a circular, of which the inclosed is a
copy, to celebrate the glorious event.
My circular was cordially responded to by all the foreign representatives
accredited to the Emperor of Morocco.
I have, &c.,
[Page 688]
[Inclosure in No. 288.]
Mr. Mathews to the
foreign representatives at
Consulate of the United States of America,
Tangier, July 3, 1878.
Gentlemen: To-morrow being the hundredth and
second anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America,
the flag of the republic will be hoisted at this consulate in honor of
the glorious event.
I have, &c.,
The foreign representatives to Mr.
I shall have much pleasure in causing the flags of Great Britain,
Austria-Hungary, Denmark, and the Netherlands to be hoisted
to-morrow to celebrate the anniversary of the Independence of the
United States of America.
Je m’empresserai avec plaisir de faire arborer demain le pavilion
beige et celui des royaumes unis Swede et Norwaege, à l’occasion
de l’anniversaire de l’Indépendance des États Unis
Le pavilion français sera arboré demain sur ma légation en
honneur de l’anniversaire de l’Indépendance des États Unis
Il pavilion nacional flotará en esta legacion de S. M. el Rey de
Espana en honor del anniversario de la Independencia de los
Estados Unidos de America.
As bandeiras de Portugal e do Brazil sevam arboradas amanta para
feste jeir o anniversario da Independencia dos Estados Unidos.
Por D. J. D. Colaco.
Con vero piacere faro inalberare domain la regia bandeira
italiana sa questa legazione in segna d’esultanza per la
ricomenza del anniversario dell Independenza della Grande
Republica Americana.