No. 355.
Mr. Foster to Mr. Evarts.

No. 757.]

Sir: The subject of the official relations between the United States and Mexico continues to be the chief topic of public discussion in this city.

One of the morning newspapers announced, after the arrival of the last American steamer, that it had received information that “a reaction [Page 576] favorable to a policy of peace had operated upon the spirit of the Cabinet at Washington, and that the fears of an immediate conflict were postponed.”

The official journal of the government, the Diario Oficial, of the 12th instant, in quoting the paragraph from the paper above alluded to, uses the following language:

“The correspondent of the Trait d’Union in New York appears to he well informed concerning what passes in the high regions of the White House, as his reports agree with the contents of an extensive note from our representative in Washington to the department, dated the 28th ultimo, in which he refers in detail to a conference which, in the most cordial and friendly terms, he had with the Minister of State concerning frontier affairs. From the explanations given by Mr. Evarts in that conference, it may be expected that the relations between the two republics will be preserved in a satisfactory state, and that the questions pending will not pass beyond the grounds of diplomacy, on which they will be decided, having regard to truth, reason, and right.”

The above declaration has had a very quieting effect upon the excited public feeling.

I am, &c.,