No. 343.
Mr. Foster
to Mr. Evarts.
Mexico, May 6, 1878. (Received June 6.)
Sir: Yesterday, according to established custom, was observed as a national holiday throughout the republic. It was also made the occasion of the inauguration of a number of public works or improvements and of the opening of others just completed. The most important of the latter was that of the wagon-road from the port of Tampico to San Luis Potosi. In former years Tampico was an important port for several of the interior States, but since the completion of the railroad from Vera Cruz to this city, making the latter the point of supply for the interior table-land, Tampico has lost almost entirely its maritime importance. It is hoped by the reported completion of the means of communication and transportation to the table-lands referred to that it will regain some of its former prosperity.
Several new telegraph-lines were also opened yesterday, the work on new railroads inaugurated, and in this city some new, scientific, and useful improvements completed.
Mention is made of these events to indicate the earnest desire which is manifested by the present administration to signalize its control of public affairs by the development of public improvements and by a marked advance in intelligence and general progress. The great need of the country continues to be the construction of railroads, which, owing to the prostration and poverty of the country, must be accomplished in a great measure with foreign capital, and as yet that appears reluctant to investment in the country.
I am, &c.,