No. 319.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts.
Tokei, Japan, September 13, 1878. (Received October 18.)
Sir: On the 11th instant I received from his excellency Mr. Mori, the vice-minister for foreign affairs, a note in which he informs me that the foreign office has received from the proper authorities a statement that in addition to the arrest of two of the parties who entered the house of Mr. Ap Jones and Mr. Russell, citizens of the United States, and inflicted severe sword wounds upon them (of which I acquainted you in my No. 843), the third party has also been arrrested, and is now held, with his two confederates, for trial and punishment. The names of the three criminals, as given by Mr. Mori, are Fujisake Keijiro, Fujisaki Shimei, and Ozawa Kiuzo. The last named has made confession of the crime. There can be no doubt that swift punishment will be inflicted upon these guilty parties.
It affords me pleasure to say that every attention is given by the Japanese officials to Mr. Ap Jones and Mr. Russell, and that they are both rapidly recovering from their wounds.
I have, &c.,