No. 276.
Mr. Langston to Mr. Evarts.

No. 78.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith the proclamation of President Canal, with translation thereof, dated July 8, 1878, concerning the late revolutionary disturbances at Cape Haytien, their suppression and the conduct of the government troops, whose services were in requisition in connection therewith.

I am just in receipt of a dispatch from our consul, Mr. Stanislas Goutier, of Cape Haytien, by which I am advised that on the 16th of this month the St. Michel, a war-vessel of the Haytian Government, dispatched to Fort Liberty upon service connected with the troubles already referred to, and others anticipated, fired two guns at and ran into the American schooner Augustus J. Fabens, E. C. Harris, master, bound from Port au Prince to Fort Liberty, and considerably damaged said vessel, while lying to, with colors flying at topmast, for a pilot, to take her to the town of Fort Liberty.

The damages in this case amount, according to survey had, including repairs to the vessels her sails, rigging, and demurrage for forty-five days, at $30 per day, according to her charter-party, to $3,700.

This subject, with its bad features, I shall bring to the attention of the Haytian authorities without delay, and ask immediate and proper adjustment.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 78—Translation.]


Boisrond Canal, President of the Republic of Hayti, to the people and to the army:

Haytians! Bélony Vincent and Dorvil Théodore, who have so often rendered themselves conspicuous by armed revolts against the established order of things, have renewed their work of disorder and social disorganization. Again they have unfurled the standard at Grande-Rivière and at Cape Haytien.

The government, advised of their destructive measures, had taken precaution to destroy their criminal project or to conquer them in a contest of brief duration.

On the 4th of July, the appointed day, Dorvil Théodore and his band attacked the Grande-Rivière of the north, and some hours afterward fled in disgrace, at the close of an attack as firm as energetic. During the action a ball wounded the arm of a general officer, the brave Almon Mars, commandant of the commune of the Grande-Rivière of the north. The insurgents were at the same time trailed in the section of Joli-Trou.

During the same day, the contumacious Bélony Vincent, who was said to have taken up refuge in the Dominican part, boldly showed himself at Cape Haytien, gave the signal of revolt, and, after disabling one of our soldiers and wounding six others, fell himself, under the fire of the brave defenders of society.

Order has been established at all points where these odious attempts proved abortive. Honor to the brave Generals Monpoint, jr., and Séïde Télémaque. They fully appreciated their duty. The country and the government will remember them.

Haytians! When our institutions are thus menaced, our duty is to stand united and offer an energetic resistance to those who have sworn to overthrow them. This union [Page 457] will insure our victory, and our institutions will continue to shine brighter and brighter than ever, and our advancement in progress and civilization more glorious.

“Vive la constitution!”


By the President:
The secretary of state of war and marine,
Auguste Montas.
The secretary of state of interior and agriculture,
Em. M. A. Gutierrez.
The secretary of state of finances, commerce, and foreign relations,
F. Carrié.
The secretary of state of public instruction, justice, and worship,
Dr. Jn. Joseph.