No. 273.
Mr. Langston to Mr. Evarts.

No. 68.]

Sir: On the 4th instant the anniversary of our national independence was duly signalized in this city by the general and cordial display of the colors of the several governments whose representatives reside here. All the flags were thrown to the breezes at eight o’clock in the morning, and were kept flying until six o’clock in the evening.

Expressions of kindly feeling with regard to our independence, our matchless growth as a nation, our maintenance of free institutions, our suppression of the late rebellion, our defense and support of the integrity of the Union, our present patriotic attempts at reconciliation of the two great sections of the country, and our establishment of equal freedom and impartial legal and political rights were frequently heard upon the streets and elsewhere as the impassioned sons of this republic looked upon the ensign of our mighty sovereignty, and witnessed the hearty sympathy which other governments gave thereto in the happy display of their several national banners.

At a dinner given on the 4th instant by the representative of our government, the most beautiful sentiments and utterances were offered and made by the President, members of the cabinet, the corps diplomatique, and consulaire, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of deputies, and gentlemen, senators, and deputies—sentiments and utterances eulogistic of our country, its people, its government, its laws, and its Christian civilization. Such sentiments and utterances were heartily approved and applauded by the large company present.

I have, &c.,