No. 243.
Mr. Read to Mr. Evarts .

No. 387.]

Sir: I have the honor to state that new massacres are announced by the official paper of the prime minister, Mr. Coumoundouros, as having taken place in the insurgent provinces, and that Crete has been the scene of new atrocities.

The other day the ministry of war published a notice to the effect that it desired to purchase 20,000 pair of boots for the Greek infantry and 2,000 for the Greek cavalry, to be delivered within seventy days; also 40,000 pair of socks and 40,000 pair of trousers, to be delivered within forty days, and it invited immediate proposals.

It seems that the government is straining every nerve in its preparations for war. It is concentrating troops near the boundary line, and the minister of war passed many hours last night at the telegraph office, communicating with the commanders of the troops on the frontiers.

The situation is extremely critical. The papers announce that the English Government has entered into an understanding with the Greek Government, which will allow the former to land troops upon the island of Euboea in case it may be deemed necessary. In such a moment it would be most unwise to withdraw diplomatic representation from this capital. It would be likewise an ungracious act, in view of the prompt [Page 374] steps taken by Greece to manifest its friendship and respect for our government by accepting immediately our invitation to the bi-metallic conference.

I have, &c.