No. 238.
Mr. Read to Mr. Evarts.

No. 378.]

Sir: The reported assassination of Mr. Ogle, correspondent of the London Times, by Turkish soldiers in the vicinity of Volo, has created a profound sensation at Athens. It appears that Mr. Ogle was returning from Macrinitza after the battle, and must have been set upon and murdered by Turkish regulars. It was at first reported that his body had been found with the head cut off. It now appears, however, that the body aforesaid has been recognized and claimed by a lady in that vicinity; and it is thought that Mr. Ogle was cut into pieces by the Turks so that they might more readily conceal the corpse.

If the body is found, an immense public funeral will take place at Athens; and even if it is not obtained, funeral ceremonies will undoubtedly be performed with great solemnity.

I have, &c.,