No. 220.
Mr. Evarts to Sir Edward Thornton.

Sir: With reference to your note of the 12th instant, in relation to the amendment of the rules and regulations governing the transportation [Page 358] of dutiable merchandise between the United States and Canada, the contents of which were duly communicated to the Secretary of the Treasury, I have the honor to inform you that a letter has been received from my colleague, stating, with regard to the inquiry contained in your note, that the Canadian regulations which were transmitted by you to my predecessor, Mr. Fish, upon the 13th November, 1874, are perfectly satisfactory to the Treasury Department, and, in connection with the regulations of that Department as amended, will hereafter guide customs officers in matters pertaining to the transportation of dutiable goods between the respective countries.

Any change or modification of existing regulations that may hereafter be found desirable will be submitted for the consideration of the government of the Dominion of Canada.

I have, &c.,