No. 194.
Mr. Hoppin
to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States,
London, September 28, 1878. (Received October 10.)
No. 18.]London, September 28, 1878. (Received October 10.)
Sir: I have the honor to inclose the copy of a letter which was sent to the legation yesterday by the Right Honorable W. H. Smith, M. P., first lord of the admiralty, expressing their thanks to the governor of Rhode Island and the mayor of Newport for the cordial reception accorded to Admiral Inglefield and the officers and sailors of his fleet.
I have to add that I have taken the liberty to communicate to Governor Van Zandt unofficially the substance of this letter, knowing that he would be pleased to receive this expression of courtesy as early as possible.
I have, &c.,