No. 189.
Mr. Seward
to Mr. Hoppin.
Washington, September 3, 1878.
Sir: Mr. Welsh’s telegraphic dispatch, in cipher, of the 31st ultimo, in which he states that the London Times published on that day his correspondence [Page 288] with Lord Salisbury about Condon, and that he had visited Condon in the Portland prison and informed him of his probable release, has been received.
It seems proper at this stage of the matter to express the warm approval of the President and of this Department with regard to Mr. Welsh’s efforts for the release of Condon, and the gratification which is felt at the near prospect of success therein.
This instruction is addressed to you, inasmuch as Mr. Welsh’s telegram announces his intended departure for the continent on Monday, the 2d instant, and it is presumed that you are now in charge of the legation.
I am, &c.,
Acting Secretary.