No. 160.
Mr. Seward
to Mr. von Schlozer.
of State,
Washington, May 1,
Sir: Referring to your note of the 8th ultimo, in
relation to the requirement by certain United States consuls in Germany of
samples of all goods exported to this country, I have now the honor to
inclose a copy of a letter of the 26th of April last upon the subject, which
has been received from the Secretary of the Treasury.
It is proper to state that those consuls have been directed to comply
strictly with the instructions forbidding the exposure of samples to the
observation of competitors.
Accept, &c.,
Mr. Sherman to Mr.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your letter dated the 16th instant, transmitting a copy of a
communication of the 8th instant from the German minister, in which he
states that certain American consulates in Germany “constantly insist
under all circumstances that the most accurate samples shall be
delivered to them of every single variety of goods that are to be sent
to the United States.”
The minister remarks that this requirement causes the shippers great
trouble and inconvenience.
In reply to your request for an expression of the views of this
department whether the samples should be required in all cases, I beg
leave to state that, as you were advised in this department’s letter,
dated July 21, 1877, if goods to be imported consist of standard
articles of uniform character well known to the trade it will be
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to occasionally
obtain and forward samples thereof in connection with shipments to any
particular port in the United States, as representing such class of
goods and to note the fact upon other invoices of the same description
of merchandise sent to the same port.
The instructions upon the subject are explained in the circular to
consular officers signed by Mr. Cadwallader July 10, 1876, and require
the forwarding only of such samples as are usually deposited in the
consulate under the requirements of article 473 of the consular
regulations. Neither do they require that articles of considerable bulk,
or of a frangible nature, should be forwarded; and the circular provides
that in case of doubt whether a sample ought to be transmitted to the
customs officers the decision of the question may be left to the
The samples forwarded by the consuls are of value to the appraising
officers in determining the proper classifications and dutiable value of
imported merchandise, and this department is of opinion that the
regulations upon the subject now in force can be observed without undue
embarrassment to trade.
In view of the facts stated by the minister it is suggested that the
attention of the consuls referred to be invited to the instructions
above cited.
Very respectfully,