No. 112.
Mr. Noyes to Mr. Evarts.

No. 45.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith copy of a communication from the French minister of foreign affairs, relating to the participation of the United States in the International Exhibition of Paris in 1878.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 45.—Translation.]

Mr. Waddington to Mr. Noyes.

General: You were kind enough to announce to my predecessor that Congress had passed the bill providing for the participation of the United States in the International Exhibition of 1878.

It is with lively satisfaction that I notice this communication, and I would be obliged if you would convey to your government an expression of the thanks of the government of the republic for a decision which, by assuring the concurrence of American exhibitors, will contribute to the splendor and the solemnity now preparing in France.

Please accept the assurances of the high consideration with which I have the honor to be, general, your most humble and obedient servant,