No. 38.
Mr. Evarts to Mr. Delfosse.

Sir: Referring to the matter of the appointment of a third commissioner in conformity with Article XXIII of the Treaty of Washington, of the 8th May, 1871, concerning which my predecessor has heretofore communicated with you, I have now the honor to inform you that the [Page 46] representative of the United States at London, in a dispatch bearing date March 6, has informed me that upon the 1st March a form of identic note, to be addressed to the Austrian embassador in London, was agreed upon between himself and Lord Derby, requesting His Excellency Count Beust to proceed in accordance with the treaty to appoint the third commissioner, and that in accordance therewith his excellency has been pleased to name you as the third commissioner under the treaty.

Mr. Pierrepont also incloses a copy of a note addressed to him by Count Beust to this effect, bearing date March 2, of which I have the honor herewith to inclose you a copy for your information.

I have great pleasure in assuring you of the satisfaction with which this government has learned of your nomination in that capacity.

I have, &c.,


Count Beust to Mr. Pierrepont, March 2, 1877. (See Mr. Pierrepout’s dispatch of March 6, 1877, document No. 119.)