No. 340.
Aristarchi Bey to Mr. Evarts.


Mr. Secretary of State: By order of my government, I have the inform the Washington cabinet that on the 24th instant Russia declared war against the Ottoman Empire, and commenced hostilities in Europe and Asia.

A state of war thus existing between the two countries, the Sublime Porte is convinced, Mr. Secretary of State, that the Government of the United States will, as a neutral state, be pleased to guarantee (assurer) to us the same treatment that it granted to the belligerents in 1870–’71. This conviction is based on the high impartiality of the United States, on the friendly relations which have long existed between our respective countries, and on the principles which have been upheld and practiced by the Washington cabinet on-solemn occasions.

Be pleased to accept, Mr. Secretary of State, the reiterated assurances of my very high consideration.