No. 260.
Mr. Evarts to Mr. Moran.

No. 89.]

Sir: On receipt of your dispatches numbered 120 and 131, reporting the favorable disposition of Portugal toward cooperating with the proposed United States naval expedition for determining the telegraphic longitudes from Northern Europe to the coasts of South America, a copy of them was transmitted to the Secretary of the Navy for his information. A letter has now been received from that officer stating that the Navy Department has not fully determined as to the time when the work shall commence at Lisbon, but that it is its intention to send a vessel to that port not later than November next to begin observations, and as they [Page 461] are completed, to carry them along the line indicated. He also expresses the thanks of the Navy Department for the courteous co-operation of the Portuguese Government in this useful work. You will advise the government at Lisbon accordingly.

I am, &c.,