No. 230.
Mr. Evarts
to Mr. Foster.
Washington, July 3, 1877.
Sir: Mr. Skilton, the consul-general, with a dispatch of the 18tb, has forwarded to the Department a copy of a letter to him of the 4th ultimo, from Mr. Sutter, the consul at Acapulco. It relates to recent events there, and especially to the occupation of that city by General Alvarez. It seems that in consequence of that occupation the city was fired upon by the fort and a Mexican man-of-war. Consequently Mr. Sutter and the other foreign consuls embarked in the boat of the former for the purpose of making such representations to the commander of the man-of-war as might lead to a cessation of the firing. The boat, however, was itself fired upon on its way, and, though not hit, the persons on board of her were exposed to great peril. Mr. Sutter says that the flag of the United States was hoisted on her. Under these circumstances it seems necessary that the Mexican Government should be asked to require of the commander of the fort proper explanations upon the subject. You will accordingly take this course so far as your unofficial relations with that government will allow.
I am, &c.,