No. 229.
Mr. Evarts to Mr. Foster.

No. 397.]

Sir: Referring to your separate dispatch of the 28th ultimo, advising me that the President of Mexico would dispatch to the Rio Grande a prudent general with a view to co-operate with General Ord in repressing outlawry, I now transmit for your information a copy of & letter of the 19th instant from the Secretary of War and of the instructions issued by the General of the United States Army upon the subject, which accompanied it.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure No. 12.]

Mr. McCrary to Mr. Evarts.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 8th instant, transmitting a copy of a letter from the minister of the United States at Mexico, stating that the President of the Mexican Government will dispatch to the Rio Grande border a prudent general, with a view to co-operate with General Ord in repressing outlawry, and beg to inclose for your information a copy of instructions issued by the General of the Army on the subject.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Secretary of War.

The Hon. Secretary of State.


General P. H. Sheridan,
Commanding Military Division of the Missouri, Chicago, Ill.:

The Secretary of War has received, through the State Department, a letter from Mr. Foster, our minister at the city of Mexico, dated May 28, 1877, in which he says the [Page 419] President of the Mexican Republic is at last awakened to the importance of repressing outlawry on the Texas frontier; that he will send a prudent general to that frontier, with an adequate force and instructions to co-operate cordially to that end with General Ord. The whole correspondence will come to you by mail; but meantime the Secretary of War wants you to instruct General Ord to meet this offer of reciprocity cordially, to meet or correspond with the Mexican general thus sent to the frontier, and not to be hasty in pursuit across the border, except in an aggravated case.
