No. 556.
Mr. Adee to Mr. Fish.

No. 183]

Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith a copy and translation of a decree dated the 2d instant, and published in the official gazette of this day, indefinitely suspending the blockade on the northern coast of Spain, decreed on the 31st of January last. This action is understood to be due to the representations of France and England against the proposed measure.

I am, &c,


Decree of March 2, 1874, indefinitely suspending the blockade decree of January 31, 1874.

[Translated from “la Gaceta de Madrid.” of March 4, 1874.]

ministry of marine.


In deference to the continued reclamations of commerce, both national and foreign, setting forth the prejudices which will accrue thereto by the immediate enforcement of the decree declaring the coast of Cantabria, comprised between Cape de Peñas and Fuenterrabia, in a state of blockade; and in view, of the necessities which may arise by reason of the Carlist insurrection, I have ordered, in conformity with the report of the council of ministers, the following:

  • Article 1. The decree of the 31st of January last, declaring the coast of Cantabria from Cape de Peñas to Fuenterrabria in a state of blockade, is hereby suspended until a further resolution be taken.
  • Art. 2. The ministers of state and of marine shall give opportune knowledge of this decree to those to whom pertains its due publicity, its communication to the representatives of Spain in foreign parts, and its exact fulfillrnent on the part of the naval operating forces.

The President of the executive power of the republic,

The minister of marine,
Juan Bautista Topéte.