Alphabetical Index.
- Acheen:
- Acosta, Mariano:
- elected vice-president of the Argentine Republic 11
- Almy, RearAdmiral J. J.:
- AngloAmerican Telegraph Company. (See “Telegraph.”)
- Andrassy, Count:
- his remarks at the sessions of the delegations at Buda Pest 27
- “Anna Camp,” the:
- case of. (See “Great Britain.”)
- Apache Indians:
- Argentine Republic:
- Arias, President:
- Arms:
- Avellaneda, Nicholas:
- elected President of the Argentine Republic 11
- Baker, Sir Samuel:
- Bancroft, George:
- Barbary States:
- Barrios, President:
- his administration of the government of Guatemala 99
- Bartholdi, Mr. A.:
- is designated as umpire of the United States and Spanish claims commission 416
- Bartlett, Mr.:
- his letter to the Secretary of the Treasury 485
- Barts, Josef:
- claims United States citizenship 93
- Bassett, E. D.:
- his address as dean of tin diplomatic corps to the President of Hayti on NewYear’s eve 593
- Belgium:
- Belknap, Commander George E.:
- receives permission from tlie Japanese government to search for a suitable place for landing a submarine cable on the Japanese coast 682
- Bingham, John A.:
- presents his credentials as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to the Tenno of Japan. 651
- Bismarck, Prince:
- Bitto. (See “Hungary.”) Bizerta:
- Blockade:
- Bonds:
- Bonin Islands:
- Bolivia:
- boundary question with Chili 194
- Brazil:
- Brooks, C. W.:
- receives an audience from the Tenno of Japan 652
- Brussels:
- conference at, for the amelioration of the condition of prisoners of war 564
- Buda Pest. (See “Hungary,” “Andrassy.”)
- Budget:
- Canada:
- regulations of, for the transportation of goods and passengers in American vessels. (See “Treaty of Washington.”)
- proposed reciprocity treaty with the United States 563
- Canedo, Estanislao:
- his speech in the Mexican Congress on the railroad question 724
- Carlists, the:
- “Caroline,” the:
- Central American States:
- failure of Palacios’s revolution 98
- administration of Barrios, President of Guatemala. 99
- civil marriage in Guatemala 99, 101, 106
- proposed exploration of the Usumacinta, Motagun, and Potochic Rivers 100
- sacking of Omoa by General Straeber’s forces and bombardment by the British manofwar Niobe 102
- treaty concluded between Guatemala, Salvador, and Nicaragua, August 26, 1–73, 112
- circular of Costa Rica respecting the said treaty 113, 116
- circular of the Nicaraguan government 117, 123
- conference between the Presidents of Guatemala and Salvador respecting
- the presidency of Honduras; Leiva selected. 124
- the United States minister invited to act as mediator for the pacification of the Central American States 124
- interview of the United States minister with the President of Costa Rica respecting a proposed conference of the Central American Presidents 126
- views of the United States Government respecting the said conference 133
- decree of the President of Guatemala respecting the construction of highroads 133
- further correspondence respecting the proposed measures for the pacification of the Central American States 137
- surrender of President Arias and capture of Comayagua 141
- decrees respecting religious orders in Guatemala 147
- conspiracy to overthrow the government of President Guardia 147
- adjournment of the Honduras congress; measures adopted by it 167
- census and debt of the several States 168
- obstacles to a union of the republics 172
- invasion of Guatemala by an armed force from Mexico 174
- Central Asia:
- Mr. Eugene Schuyler’s report on 815
- Chambord, Count de:
- his letter to Mr. Chesnelon 402
- Changarnier, General:
- his proposition to the National Assembly 404
- Chili:
- China:
- Peruvian mission to 198, 219
- difficulty between the Yamun and the Spanish chargé d’affaires in relation to the emigration of coolies to the Spanish colonies 202, 228
- capture of Suh-chan, and suppression of the Mohammedan rebellion 250
- attack at Chimion Mr. Corbett, an American missionary 274
- navy of, compared with that of Japan. 326
- Circular:
- Citizens:
- Citizenship:
- American passport refused to a woman claiming to be an American citizen, divorced from a British subject, and intending to marry a Frenchman 408, 413
- claimed by persons desirous of avoiding military duty; case of Mentheim Cohn 447, 448
- inquiry of an American if citizens of the United States can surrender their rights of extraterritoriality without forfeiting their privileges of American citizenship 643, 645
- Civil marriage:
- Claims:
- against Hayti 591
- Coahuila, Mexico:
- disturbances in the State of 720
- Cohn, Mentheim, (See “Citizenship.”)
- Coinage:
- Colombia:
- to be represented at the centennial exhibition to be held at Philadelphia 351
- Comayagua:
- its capture 141
- Commission:
- appointed by the Mexican government to investigate alleged depredations on the Rio Grande 728
- for the unification of tonnage, time and place of meeting 1125
- same subject, correspondence with the Department of State. 1129
- disappointment at the possibility that the United States will not be represented., 1131
- intention of the Ottoman government to invite the United States Government to participate 1136
- resume of the proceedings of the Tonnage Commission 1143
- final report thereof 1153, 1163
- opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury on its conclusions 1163.
- Concha, General José de la:
- is appointed captain-general of Cuba 882
- Concha, General Manuel de la:
- Confessional laws. (See “Austria.”)
- Congress, the United States ship:
- her arrival at Monrovia, and reception of her officers by the President of Liberia 708
- Consular convention:
- Convents:
- abolished in Guatemala 147
- Convicts:
- Coolies:
- Corea:
- change in the government of 253
- Cortes, the:
- dispersion of, by General Pavia 852
- Corbett, Rev. H.:
- attack made upon him at Chi-mi 274
- Costa Rica. (See “Central American States.”) Courts:
- Cuba:
- Danish West Indies:
- De Long, C. E.:
- takes leave of the Tenno 651
- Deportation:
- Discriminating duties:
- Disraeli:
- his address on the dissolution of Parliament 493
- Dollar, the American:
- accepted in payment of dues by the Haytian government upon the representation of the United States minister 601
- Domingue, General Michel:
- Don Carlos:
- his appeal to the Christian powers 541
- Doval, William C.:
- Dunbar, John W.:
- correspondence respecting the punishment of his murderers 756
- Dundonald, Earl of:
- Dunn, A. C.:
- Earthquake:
- at Quito 391
- Ecuador:
- meeting of the Congress 384
- report of the secretary of the treasury 389
- decree issued by the President permitting those expatriated for political offenses to return to their homes 390
- removal of duty from American machinery 390
- the government agrees to adopt such signal-code as may be agreed upon by other powers 391
- projected high roads and railroads 393
- coal and salt mines 394
- correspondence respecting the financial crisis 398
- Edouard, the brig:
- her seizure in Venezuela 1217
- Egypt:
- proposed judicial reform; project for a form of adhesion to, by foreign powers 1126
- power of the Khedive to enter into negotiations with foreign powers for the internal government of the country 1134
- powers accepting the plan for judicial reform. 1169, 1183
- the slavery question 1170
- proposed treaty with Great Britain for the emancipation of slaves 1172, 1181
- difficulty respecting property held by American missionaries. 1174
- the budget 1176
- position of France respecting the proposed judicial reform 1181
- the Egyptian government anxious for the favorable action of the United States 1182
- bill on the subject before Congress. 1183
- acceptance of judicial reform by the United States 1192
- local taxes imposed upon foreigners 1197
- finances. 1199, 1201
- Emancipation:
- Emigrants:
- Expulsion:
- of alleged emigrantagents from Germany 429
- Extradition:
- Fiji Islands:
- their cession to Great Britain reported 502
- Commodore Goodenough and Consul Layard instructed to report upon the islands, especially with a view to the assumption of sovereignty over them by Great Britain 507
- report of Commodore Goodenough and Consul Layard on the offer of the cession of the islands to the British Crown 519
- Flag:
- Formosa:
- American citizens engaged in the Japanese expedition to. 254, 317
- notification on the subject issued by the United States consul at Amoy 318
- instruction of the Secretary of State thereon 332
- visit of the United States consul at Amoy to the island 311
- protest of the United States minister to the Japanese government against the employment of American ships or citizens on the expedition 677
- orders issued by the Japanese government to detach the New York and American citizens from the expedition 681
- new notification issued by the Japanese government respecting the expedition 684
- intent and scope of the neutrality act of 1860 686, 692
- declaration of China against the expedition 687
- refusal of Japan to withdraw her forces from the island; war imminent 693
- France:
- Free entry:
- of the personal effects of diplomatic agents, Colombian law on the subject 360
- Gardner, Capt. Albert A:
- case of. (See “Great Britain.”)
- “General Sherman,” the:
- Genoa, Duke of:
- is entertained by the Emperor of Japan 646
- Germany:
- Gold Coast:
- Gonzalez, Ignacio M.:
- assumes the Presidency of the Dominican Republic 607
- Gonzalez, President Santiago:
- of Salvador, his reply to Mr. Williamson on the presentation of the latter’s credentials as minister resident to Salvador 109
- Gonzalez, José Maria:
- Goodenough, Commodore:
- his report on the Fiji Islands 519
- Gordon, Colonel:
- Great Britain:
- proposed consular convention with the United States 489, 495
- jurisdiction assumed by British local courts in the business of complaints between masters and mariners of the United States on the high seas;
- case of Capt. Albert A. Gardner of, master of the “Anna Camp” 490
- result of the elections 496
- change of ministry 497
- Great Northern Telegraph Company:
- Greece:
- Green, Lieutenant-Commander F. M.:
- acknowledgments for facilities extended to him by the Mexican authorities in his survey of the Mexican coast 754
- Guano:
- report of commission upon the quantity of, in Peru 800
- Guardia, Tomas:
- Guatemala. (See “Central American States.”)
- Hamilton, Alexander D.:
- instruction as to his arrest in Mexico 731
- Hassein, Avni Pasha:
- his appointment and installation as grand vizier 1152
- Hawaiian Islands:
- prorogation of the legislative assembly; the King’s speech 580
- Hawes, J. H.:
- Hayti:
- Henderson, J. J.:
- Honduras. (See “Central American States.”)
- Hungary:
- Hunting Regulations, Japanese
- Iceland:
- one thousandth anniversary of its settlement 370
- Independence:
- “Invincible,” the:
- British vessel detained in Hayti 597
- Isthmus of Panama:
- Italy:
- Iwakura Tomomi:
- his narrow escape from assassination 661
- Jackson, Walter:
- James, Edwin:
- Japan:
- I expedition to Formosa. (See “Formosa.”)
- Japanese hunting regulations. (See “Hunting Regulations.”) I proposed regulations for the government of foreigners traveling in the interior 648, 653
- report of D. W. Ap Jones upon the adaptation of certain districts to the growth of cattle. 655
- Simonoseki indemnity 654, 659, 669, 682
- memorandum of Terashima respecting the proposed regulations for the government of foreigners proceeding to the interior 662
- memorial addressed to the Sa In, asking the establishment of a popular assembly 664
- instruction of the Secretary of State in relation to the punishment of
- foreigners violating the municipal laws of Japan 668, 670
- right of Japanese commissioners of customs to make customs regulations I independently of foreign consuls 671
- action of the Japanese government respecting American citizens engaged in the Formosa expedition. 681
- refusal of a Japanese court to compel the attendance of witnesses in a case in which A. C. Dunn, an American citizen, is plain tiff. 683, 691
- threatened war with China. 693
- cooperative policy of the United States with foreign powers 697
- Jewell, Marshall:
- Jovellar y Soler, General Joaquin:
- Kalakaua, King:
- his speech at the prorogation of the Hawaiian legislature. 580
- “Kansas,” the:
- permitted to make survey in Hayti an waters. 609
- Keredine, General:
- appointed prime minister of Tunis 50
- Khedive:
- firman granted to His Highness by the Sultan 1178
- Kickapoos:
- services rendered by Mr. Montero in removing them from Mexico 715
- Kidnaping
- and murder of a Mexican citizen 732
- Labrador:
- La Rochefoucauld Bisaccia, Duke de:
- his motion in the National Assembly. 415
- Laurium Mining Company, the:
- concession to 576
- Layard, E. L.:
- his report on the Fiji Islands 519
- Lazarus & Co.:
- their letter respecting the prohibition to export specie from Hayti 582
- Lederer, Baron:
- correspondence with the Department of State; his resignation as umpire of the Spanish claims commission 23
- Le Gendre, General:
- Leiva, Ponciano:
- selected as candidate for the presidency of Honduras 124
- declaration of the principal towns in his favor 131
- his decree upon assuming the provisional presidency of Honduras 139
- his character 143
- his confirmation as provisional President of Honduras 167
- his correspondence with Senor Soto respecting the imprisonment of Seller Arias 179
- Lerdo, President:
- Letters of recall:
- their presentation not necessary at the courts of Bavaria, Würtemberg, Baden, and Hesse on the retirement of a minister accredited to the German Empire 444
- Liberia:
- Logan, Cornelius A.:
- Lonyay, Count. (See “Hungary.”)
- Luperon:
- his banishment 587
- Macao:
- Magee, John:
- Magellan, the Straits of:
- dispute between the Argentine and Chilian governments respecting the ownership of 195
- Mahan, Captain:
- salutes the Argentine flag on “Independence day” 6
- Marriage:
- Martin Garcia, the island:
- Marx, Ernest:
- an American citizen, arrested in France as owing military service to the government 407
- Mennonites:
- their emigration from Russia 837
- Mexico:
- report of the Mexican minister of war on the condition of the Mexican army 713
- amendments to the Mexican constitution 713, 715, 716
- railroad-contract granted to the Mexican Railroad Company 718, 722, 723
- report of the Mexican minister of finance 721
- boundary question 755
- newspaper-reports respecting negotiations for a transfer of territory to the United States 766, 842
- Ministry:
- change of. (See “France,” “Great Britain,” “Greece.”)
- Mission:
- Montero, Antonio:
- services rendered by him in removing the Kickapoos and other Indians from Mexico 715
- “Montijo,” the:
- proposed sale of, to the government of Costa Rica 129
- Morocco:
- Motagun River:
- its exploration proposed 100
- Mulay Hassan:
- succeeds to the throne of Morocco 40
- National Assembly:
- Naturalized citizens:
- how they may forfeit their citizenship 33
- Netherlands:
- Newchwang:
- inundation near 215
- Newfoundland:
- passage by the legislature of laws giving effect to the provisions of the treaty of Washington relating to the colony. (See “Treaty of Washington.”)
- Neutrality:
- of the foreign settlements in China and Japan in case of war between the two countries 339
- Nicaragua. (See “Central American States.”)
- “Niobe,” the:
- bombards Omoa 102
- Norse Steamship Line:
- Olinda, Bishop of:
- his trial and imprisonment at hard labor. 81
- Omoa:
- is sacked by General Straeber and bombarded by the “Niobe” 102
- Orton, William:
- his letter in reply to General Schenck. (See “Telegraph.”)
- Palacios:
- failure of his revolutionary movement in Central America 98
- Panama:
- Passports:
- Peru:
- Philadelphia, University of:
- diplomas issued in its name 427
- Poland:
- disturbances in 814
- Polo de Bernabé Admiral. (See “Spain;” “Virginius.”)
- Pope, the:
- his letter to the Emperor of Germany 431
- Porto Rico:
- Portugal:
- opening of the Cortes and speech of the King 805
- Potochic River:
- its exploration proposed 100
- President:
- Prisoners of war:
- Prize:
- offered by British societies for the best essay upon a code of international law 487
- Proclamation:
- respecting the Canadian articles of the treaty of Washington, May 29, 1874 1
- Protection:
- to Tunisian subjects by foreign consuls. (See “Tunis.”)
- Prussia:
- Queen Victoria:
- Railways:
- construction of, in Brazil 90
- Reciprocity treaty:
- proposed, between the United States and Canada 563
- Reed, Commander Allen V.:
- permitted to make surveys in Haytian waters 609
- Refugees:
- in Hayti. (See “Hayti.”)
- Reichsrath, the:
- Religious orders:
- decrees in regard to, in Guatemala 147
- Riot:
- at Shanghai, account of. 257
- Rohrer. (See “Convicts.”)
- Russell, Earl:
- his speech in the House of Lords respecting the treaty of Washington 505
- Russia:
- Rustem, General:
- his expedition 53
- Saget, Nissage:
- Sahara, desert of:
- project to let in the waters of the Mediterranean 54
- Salgar, General Eustorijo:
- is elected governor of Cundinamarca 357
- Salvador. (See “Central American States.”)
- Sanitary conference, the:
- Santo Domingo:
- Schleswig:
- question between Germany and Denmark 439
- Schmiderberg, Adolph. (See “Extradition.”)
- Schuyler, Eugene:
- his report upon Central Asia 815
- Serrano, Marshal:
- Seward, William H.:
- his instruction respecting the policy of the United States in regard to Central American affairs 146
- Sickles, General Daniel E.:
- Sidi Mohammed:
- Sultan of Morocco; his death 38
- Sidi Mustafa. (See “Tunis.”)
- Signalcode:
- readiness of Ecuador to adopt such code as may be agreeable to other powers 391
- Simonoseki indemnity:
- Slave-traffic:
- between Tripoli and Constantinople, reported by the United States consul at Tripoli. 43
- attention of the British government called thereto 501
- report on the subject by the British Consul-general at Tripoli 518
- further communication from the British government respecting the same matter 552
- report thereon by a commission appointed by the British government 573
- information from the United States minister at Constantinople 1127
- Soyeshima Taneomi:
- his nomination to the Gaimee Sosai. 652
- Spain:
- recognition of the republic declined by Russia 843
- decree announcing the visit of the minister of ultramar to Cuba and Porto Rico. 844
- Finances 845
- resignation of Castelar, and dissolution of the Cortes 852
- government of Marshal Serrano 852, 854
- commission appointed to report on the adaptation of the penal laws to the colonies 853
- abolition of taxes on exports 855
- blockade of part of the northern coast 550, 857, 866, 876
- position of the United States in respect to the recognition of Marshal Serrano’s government 904
- Spanish navy 909
- memorandum addressed by the Executive Power to foreign governments 914
- circular to the diplomatic representatives of Spain 917
- affair of the steamer Virginius. (See “Virginius.”)
- Spanish Abolition Society:
- communication to, by the United States minister, on behalf of the President 848
- Stephens, Rev. J. L.:
- Straeber, General:
- Straus, Adolphus:
- his assassination in Mexico 756
- Submarine telegraphs:
- proposed international convention for their protection in time of war. 380
- concurrence of Denmark in the American draft for a Convention, with certain modifications 381:
- (See “Telegraphs.”)
- Suez Canal Company, the:
- commission appointed to interpret article 17 in the charter granted to 1121, 1123
- circular-letter of the Porte respecting the tolls of 1125
- special certificates to be issued to American vessels likely to visit the canal 1164
- adoption of a new tariff of tonnage-dues 1185
- commission for establishing a uniform standard of tonnage. (See “Commission.”)
- Sun-Chan:
- capture of 250
- Sumner, Charles:
- marks of respect paid to his memory at Monrovia 712
- Szlavy, Mr. De. (See “Hungary.”)
- Tangier. (See “Morocco.”)
- Tariff:
- Tejedor, Carlos:
- his note to the minister of Brazil respecting the relations of the Argentine Republic with that country 72
- Telegrafo, the Dominican steamer:
- consent of the British government that certain points in the case be referred to an arbitrator 585
- Telegraph:
- between Woosung and Shanghai 246
- first formal assent to construct a telegraph on Chinese soil granted to the Great Northern Telegraph Company 323
- proposed line between Foochow and Formosa 326
- also between Foochow and Amoy 335
- alleged overcharges by the Anglo-American and Western Union Companies 465, 467, 470, 475
- reduction to be made on the rates on said lines 483
- bill passed in the Hawaiian legislature 581
- between Alexandria and Crete 1142
- Tenno, the:
- receives the diplomatic corps on New Year’s day. 659
- Testimony:
- objection of the German government to its being taken by consular officers of the United States 453, 460
- same subject; explanation of the Secretary of State in regard to the matter 456
- note of the German minister inclosing translation of a communication from the German foreign office on the above subject. 462
- Tonnage:
- Tonnage-commission. (See “Commission.”)
- Transportation:
- of goods and passengers of American and Canadian vessels plying respectively between Canadian and American ports; regulations under Article XXX of the treaty of Washington. (See “Treaty of Washington.”)
- Transit of Venus:
- Treaty of Washington:
- regulations under Article XXX for the transportation of goods and passengers in American vessels plying between Canadian ports, and in Canadian vessels plying between American ports 546, 547, 553, 561, 574
- act passed by the colony of Newfoundland to carry into effect the provisions of the treaty of Washington relating to that colony 554
- time suggested for carrying the said provisions into effect by proclamation of the President of the United States and the governor-general of Canada 557
- draft of a protocol relating to the above subject 558, 559
- provisions of the protocol in connection with the proposed reciprocity treaty between the United States and Canada 563
- payment to Great Britain of the award made by the mixed commission appointed under Article XII of the treaty of Washington 570, 571
- speech of Earl Russell respecting 505
- Tripoli:
- alleged slave-traffic at. (See “Slave-traffic”)
- Tunis:
- Turkey:
- Turner, J. Milton:
- his remarks at a banquet given by the postmaster-general of Liberia 699
- Uriarte, Ramon:
- presents his credentials as minister plenipotentiary of Guatemala to Mexico 755
- Usumacinta River:
- its exploration proposed 100
- Vagrancy:
- Venezuela:
- Victor Emanuel II, King:
- Vidal, Michel:
- Virginius, the steamer:
- her capture, and execution of American citizens on board 922, 932–939, 945, 1052–1078, 1098
- letter of her captain to the American consul at Santiago de Cuba 1079
- list of the crew executed 1081
- the United States protests against these acts and demands reparation 922–927, 928
- the Spanish government promises fulfillment of her treaty obligations and sends orders to stay executions 922, 924, 931
- correspondence between General Sickles and the Spanish government respecting the demands of the United States 946, 951, 953, 961–967
- correspondence between Commander Gushing and General Burriel 1098, 1107
- orders to General Sickles to withdraw from Madrid if a favorable reply is not received within twelve days 936
- postponement till November 26 agreed to 955
- the United States minister advises his withdrawal and suggests that the Italian minister be authorized to take charge of the archives of the legation 956
- consent of the Italian government that American citizens shall receive protection from the Italian legation at Madrid in the absence of an American ministery 627
- apparent difference in the representations at Madrid and those at Washington 955, 956, 965, 976
- General Sickles demands his passports 959
- he is instructed to remain at his post 969
- executions at Santiago not authorized by general orders from Spanish government 977
- offer and refusal of arbitration 980, 981
- as to the right of the Virginius to carry the American flag 984, 985, 991, 1095
- examination on the last-mentioned subject 1100–1107
- accommodation agreed upon between Mr. Fish and Admiral Polo de Bernabé 986
- protocol for carrying out the agreement 987
- arrangement as to the time, place, and manner of the surrender of the vessel and survivors, and as to the salute, if not dispensed with 990
- decision of the Attorney-General that the “Virginius” at the time of her capture carried the American flag improperly and without right 1113
- a list of the persons captured on the “Virginius” and a list of those surrendered to the Junia a 1095
- salute dispensed with 1051, 1098, 1115
- comments of the Austrian press upon the affair 15
- Washington:
- anniversary of his birthday observed in the city of Mexico. 731
- Williamson, George:
- presentation of his credentials, as minister resident of the United States, to the President of Salvador 108
- is requested to act as mediator for the pacification of the Central American States 124
- his interview with President Guardia, of Costa Rica, respecting a proposed conference of the Central American Presidents 126
- Woosung:
- Wouters, E.:
- his report upon the question of extradition 58
- Zapata, Felipe:
- is appointed envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Colombia to the United States, Great Britain, and France 359
- Zavala: General Juan de
- Zavalla, General Joaquin:
- declines to obey a decree calling him to the exercise of the executive power of Nicaragua 176