No. 48.
Mr. Shannon
to Mr. Fish.
Rio de Janeiro, November 24, 1873. (Received December 22.)
Sir: At different periods during the past two years the question of a war between the Argentine Republic and the empire of Brazil has been warmly discussed by the press of both countries, and at times it seemed that open hostilities could not be much longer delayed.
Fears for the disturbance of peace were first seriously entertained in the beginning of last year, when the Brazilian treaties were negotiated with Paraguay by Baron Cotegipe, provoking the celebrated Tejedor note, which this government deemed so offensive to its dignity that explanations regarding it became an indispensable preliminary step in the negotiation of the Mitre-São Vicente agreement of November, 1872. These fears were again excited in the course of General Mitre’s efforts, during the present year, to negotiate Argentine treaties with Paraguay.
And, finally, they were again stimulated more recently by reports of the object of the secret session of the Argentine congress, now being held in Buenos Ayres.
It having been reported here, among other things, that the attitude of the congress and the tone of its discussions were anything but friendly toward Brazil, and, furthermore, that one of the principal objects of the session was to pave the way for the formation of an alliance among all the South American republics against the empire, this government deemed the matter of such grave importance as to instruct Baron Araguaya, [Page 72] their accredited envoy at Buenos Ayres, to request information from that government respecting the truth of those reports.
A copy of the note of the Argentine minister of foreign affairs, in reply to Baron Araguaya’s application, is herewith appended, together with a marginal translation. From the terms of this note it would appear that the Argentine Confederation is at the present moment animated by the most pacific of dispositions. I think this country is not less so; and, from the very nature of its political organization, as well as the peculiar social condition of the people, the empire must always stand on the defensive.
I am, &c.,