No. 49.
Mr. Shannon
to Mr. Fish.
States Legation,
Rio de
Janeiro, November 30, 1873.
(Received January 23, 1874.)
No. 139.]
Sir: I lately received from the Viscount de
Caravellas, minister for foreign affairs, an official note, under flying
seal, directed to Mr. Partridge, accompanied by the request that I would
forward it to him at once, wherever he might be.
As that note conveyed the thanks of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor
[Page 73]
for the very important service
lately rendered by Mr. Partridge as arbitrator in the case of the Dundonald
reclamation, as well as the official announcement that this government
acquiesced in the award, I thought it desirable to make a translation of it
for the information of the Department before forwarding it to its
destination. That translation is appended to this dispatch.
During my conferences with the Viscount de Caravellas, I have had frequent
proofs of the high appreciation entertained of the service thus rendered by
our envoy at this court.
I have, &c.,
Viscount de
Caravellas to Mr. Partridge.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
de Janeiro, October 23,
I had the honor to receive the note which was sent me on the 6th instant
by Hon. James R. Partridge, envoy extraordinary and minister
plenipotentiary of the United States of America, and Baron A.
Cavalchini, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of His
Majesty the King of Italy, transmitting one of the original copies,
written in French, of the sentence lately passed by them, as
arbitrators, upon the claim of Earl Dundonald; also advising me that
they had on the same day forwarded the other original, written in
English, to Mr. Buckley Mathew, Her Britannic Majesty’s minister at this
His Imperial Majesty the Emperor, my august sovereign, to whom I made
known this communication, orders me, in his name and the name of his
government, to cordially thank Mr. Partridge for the promptness and good
will with which he performed the service of arbitrator in this question,
and to assure him that the terms of the sentence will be strictly
carried out.
Thus obeying so much of the imperial order as refers to Mr. Partridge, I
will only add, that I have also addressed a note, couched in similar
terms, to Baron Cavalchini.