291. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to President Carter1
- Presidential Determination to Permit IMET for Yugoslavia (U)
Ed Muskie recommends that you sign a determination permitting Yugoslav officers to study in the United States under the International Military Education and Training program (Tab A).2 OMB, Defense, and ACDA concur. (U)
[Page 955]I also recommend that you sign the determination. Over the past year, the Yugoslavs have shown a keen interest in enhancing military relations with the United States. The resumption of attendance of their officers at U.S. military schools is a significant step toward reestablishment of a mutually beneficial military relationship. In addition, as your briefing papers for the Belgrade visit later this month will show,3 the Yugoslavs are again seeking access to sophisticated U.S. weapons, including F–5 aircraft, and the resumption of military schooling will provide a good foundation for addressing this more difficult question. (C)
That you sign the determination attached to the Muskie memorandum at Tab A.4 (U)
- Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Country File, Box 87, Yugoslavia: 6/80–1/81. Confidential. Sent for action. A draft of this memorandum was forwarded to Brzezinski on June 6 by Kimmitt. Carter initialed the memorandum, indicating he saw it.↩
- Attached but not printed at Tab A is a May 30 memorandum from Muskie to Carter, with the recommendation that Carter approve the use of funds for two IMET positions for Yugoslavian officers.↩
- In a May 14 memorandum to Carter, Brzezinski recommended approval of a one-day stop in Yugoslavia and one-day stop in Spain following the NATO summit in Venice. Brzezinski suggested that a Presidential stopover in Belgrade would “underscore our strong and continued support for Yugoslavia’s independence” as well as “offset some of the adverse media criticism for your failure to attend Tito’s funeral.” Carter approved the recommendation on May 20. (Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Europe, USSR, and East/West, Larrabee Subject File, Box 69, [Yugoslavia: President’s Trip]: 5–6/80)↩
- Carter signed Presidential Determination 80–20 on June 10. (Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Country File, Box 87, Yugoslavia, 6/80–1/81)↩