44. Editorial Note

On November 25, 1970, the United States Senate approved the FY 1971 Military Construction Appropriations Bill, completing Congressional action on the bill. This included funding for the modest BIOT communications facility (Reindeer Station). (Telegram 194511 to London, November 28; National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, NSC Institutional Files (H-Files), Box H–176, National Security Study Memoranda, NSSM 104, and airgram CA–6087, December 11; ibid., RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, DEF 15 IND–US) The United States and Britain were to share the task of informing concerned countries. Clarification on the overall strategic situation in the Indian Ocean, and the “nature and extent of any Soviet threat in Indian Ocean,” was expected at the upcoming Anglo-American talks in December. (Telegram 195870 to Indian Ocean Embassies, December 2; ibid., RG 218, Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Records of Admiral Thomas Moorer, Box 113, Work File (Indian Ocean))

News of the plans for Diego Garcia were already rumored in the world press, causing concern, such as in Tananarive, New Delhi, [Page 136] and Colombo. (Telegram 1391 from Tananarive, December 2; ibid., telegram 205482 to New Delhi, December 17; and telegram 205666 to Colombo, December 17; ibid., RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, DEF 15 IND–US)